品味葡萄酒的藝術 _ 從眼睛到舌尖 _ 新手探索品酒的旅程

品味葡萄酒的藝術 _ 從眼睛到舌尖 _ 新手探索品酒的旅程


The Art of Wine Tasting: From Eyes to Palate, A Beginner's Journey to Exploring Wine.



How to taste wine? That is the big question! Because the depth of experience in tasting the same wine will undoubtedly differ between beginners and experts. Tasting wine requires not only accumulated experience but also following certain steps to fully appreciate its flavors and characteristics. After pouring it into the glass, don't rush to drink! Observing the color is the beginning of wine tasting. Next is the sense of smell—aroma is the soul of wine, and through sniffing, you can perceive its complex layers. Finally, take a small sip and let it roll on your tongue, exploring its nuances. Through this process, you can fully experience the unique flavors and textures encapsulated in a wine.



Seeing through the authenticity: How to visually perceive the quality of wine


By Nadin Sh from Pexels



Using your eyes to "see" is the first step in tasting wine. Observing the wine throughout the tasting process is crucial as it provides key information about the wine. Firstly, the color of the wine can give clues about its age, grape variety, and winemaking process. White wines may have varying degrees of yellow, while red wines can range from light red to deep red. Observing the color of the wine helps you understand its characteristics. Additionally, the clarity of the wine is essential. Clarity refers to whether there are any suspended particles or turbidity in the liquid. High-quality wine should be clear, without any suspended matter or particles. Clarity is one of the indicators of wine quality and winemaking process.



Another indicator for assessing wine is viscosity. Viscosity refers to the flowability of wine in the glass. Observing the viscosity of wine allows you to understand its body and texture. Generally, wines with higher glycerol content tend to have higher viscosity, while wines with lower glycerol content are usually lighter. Lastly, the "wine legs," also known as the "tears" of wine, refer to the droplets formed on the sides of the glass. The wine legs can provide clues about the alcohol content and sweetness of the wine. Wines with higher alcohol content often have more pronounced legs.



These observations are part of wine evaluation and assessment, helping you gain a comprehensive understanding of the character, characteristics, and quality of the wine. They also facilitate conversations and exchanges with other wine enthusiasts, collectively exploring the charm of wine.



Miracles on the nose: Exploring the ever-changing aromas of wine through the sense of smell


By BGStock72 from envatoelements



Sniffing the wine is essential during the tasting process because the sense of smell is one of our primary ways to perceive flavors and aromas. Firstly, it is important to recognize the aromas: the aromas of wine are the result of grape variety, winemaking methods, aging, terroir, and other factors. By sniffing the wine, you can identify different aromas such as fruits, flowers, spices, wood, and baking elements. This helps you better understand the flavor characteristics and personality of the wine. Then, you can experience the complexity and layers of aromas. Wine aromas are often very complex, encompassing various components and subtle variations. By carefully sniffing, you can discover different layers and details within the wine and experience their evolution on the palate.



Smelling wine can provide information about the liquid's characteristics. For example, a wine may have a fresh and lively aroma, suggesting its youth and vibrancy, while another wine may have complex and mature aromas, indicating its aging potential and development. There is a close connection between the aroma of wine and its taste. By smelling wine, you can get a preview of some taste characteristics such as acidity, tannins, and finish. This helps you to have a more comprehensive understanding of the wine's flavor and balance.



Smelling wine is an important part of the tasting process as it allows you to delve deeper into the wine's flavors, personality, and quality. The aroma of wine is a fascinating aspect of the wine world, and by smelling wine, you can further enhance the sensory experience of wine tasting. Aroma is the soul of wine, and smelling wine allows you to explore and appreciate the complexity of wine and better savor its wonderful flavors.



The Journey of Tasting: Exploring the Changes in Wine's Texture on the Palate


By AnnaStills from envatoelements



Allowing wine to linger on the tongue is a crucial step in wine tasting, as it enables you to fully experience the texture and flavors of the wine. When you take a small sip of wine and let it rest on your tongue for a moment, you allow the liquid to evenly distribute throughout your mouth. This allows your taste buds to more comprehensively perceive the wine's different characteristics, including acidity, sweetness, tannins, and finish. Different areas of the tongue have varying perception abilities for different taste sensations, and by letting the wine rest on the tongue, you can better sense its acidity, sweetness, and saltiness. Furthermore, the contact of the wine with the tongue can also stimulate the taste buds' perception of finish and flavors.



After wine has lingered on the tongue, you can perceive its texture, body, and tannins as part of its mouthfeel. Light-bodied wines may dissipate more quickly, while fuller-bodied wines may leave a longer-lasting sensation in the mouth. Additionally, the smoothness and softness of tannins can be better perceived during this step. The wine's flavors may also evolve after resting on the tongue, gradually unfolding to reveal more layers and details. The flavors of the wine may become more pronounced and persistent over time.



By allowing wine to linger on the tongue, you can delve deeper into the wine's flavor characteristics, mouthfeel, and balance. This step helps you to have a more comprehensive understanding and appreciation of wine, allowing you to enjoy its richness.
