餘韻不絕的驚豔 _ 領略原創之美 _ 魚子醬酩點大師創作饗宴

餘韻不絕的驚豔 _ 領略原創之美 _ 魚子醬酩點大師創作饗宴


An Artistic Party of Flavors Originally Created by Two Top Chefs


上一回由Dotard Village糊塗里所主辦的「魚子醬酩點大師創作饗宴」收到熱烈迴響與好評,貴賓們都對兩位主廚的創意料理讚不絕口,更有朋友惋惜沒搶到限量席位,希望能再舉辦,因此繼6月份在糊塗里私廚酒窖舉辦的場次後,團隊特別選定729/30日與856日的下午時段,開設新一波共四個場次,沒想到訊息才剛發佈沒多久,預約人數即告額滿。為滿足眾多饕客們的期盼與支持,最後在團隊各單位調動和協調下,再多加開了8月1213日兩個場次,反應相當熱烈。

The "Dual Chef Caviar Afternoon Tea" hosted by Dotard Village has brought a lot of appreciative comments and praises after its debut in June 2022. Due to the high expectation and requests for relaunching, a new version of "Dual Chef Caviar Afternoon Tea" opened again for 4 dates from July to August, however it has still been full-booked very soon after launching, therefore the team added up two more dates by August 12th and 13th, to fulfill the expectation from all fans. It also shows there are many serious gourmets in Taiwan who is always looking for this kind of high level dining experience.



2 Chefs , 4 Brands , 6 Original Artworks


Mirood Caviar米洛德魚子醬


Dotard Village糊塗里提供與眾不同的餐酒文化,每季籌辦不同的主題活動,使美饌和微醺之間激盪出更多的可能性,並創造餐飲中更多元的五感體驗。本次活動由四方品牌共同聯名呈現:鐵板燒鍋物名店「大安9號」、Dotard Village糊塗里、Panoramix Project丰子甜點,以及Mirood Caviar米洛德魚子醬。

Dotard Village builds exclusive dining and drinking experience with art and culture, organizes different themed events every season, and creates more possibilities among food, wines, artistry and entertainment. This event is co-presented by four star brands together : “Dotard Village” Club, “Daan 9” Restaurant, “Panoramix Project” Dessert and “Mirood” Caviar.



Two chefs from the East and West, savory and dessert, present creative cuisine and reinterpret the flavor of caviar from two distinct perspectives. They skillfully utilize the unique characteristics of various ingredients to enhance the essence of caviar. These original dishes are the result of ingenious ideas, and careful consideration is given to selecting suitable wine pairings to elevate the dining experience.


真正頂級的魚子醬來自這裡!Mirood Caviar

The Real Top Mirood Caviar From the Caspian Sea


Mirood Caviar米洛德魚子醬


本次料理皆採用Mirood Caviar所提供,來自伊朗裏海的頂級魚子醬擔任每道菜餚的主角。品牌名稱Mirood源自於2600年前在波斯帝國最早發現鱘龍魚的城市Miroud,而裏海的鱘龍魚卵製成的魚子醬特別鮮美,因此聞名於世。

The key ingredient in each dish today : Mirood Caviar, the top of the top caviar, is from the Caspian Sea in Iran. The brand name Mirood comes from the city of Miroud, where sturgeon was first discovered in the Persian Empire 2,600 years ago, and the caviar made from the roe of the sturgeon in the Caspian Sea is particularly delicious, so it gets famous all over the world.


一般而言,較常被提及的魚子醬產地是俄羅斯和法國,但為何真正頂級的魚子醬產自伊朗? 因為有最適合的水溫環境,再加上當地政府嚴格的控管與支持,才能長時間穩定培養出品質最好的鱘龍魚。鱘龍魚的品種有不少,其產出的魚子醬口感與風味也都各不相同。產自歐洲鰉的頂級Beluga魚子醬需要長時間熟成,而最頂級的Almas魚子醬更需要30年以上的時間熟成,外觀是罕見的白色。本次下午茶宴所選用呈獻的是MIROOD 的Sterlet和Baerii魚子醬,Sterlet具有滑順綿密的口感,顆粒較小;而Baerii則帶有更濃烈的魚類海鮮風味,顆粒較大。

The most famous caviar origins are often be recognized like Russia and France, but why is the real top caviar from Iran? It is because of the proper water temperature and the strict control of the local government, which make the top sturgeon well-cultivated stably for very long time. There are different categories of sturgeon, and their taste and flavor are also quite different after the production of caviar. The top Beluga caviar from the European sea bream takes a long time to mature, while the top Almas caviar takes more than 30 years to mature and has a rare white appearance. This time chefs selected Sterlet and Baerii caviar from MIROOD for this afternoon tea. Sterlet has rich creamy taste and smaller particles, while Baerii has stronger fishy taste of seafood and larger particles.



When caviar meets savory – Magnificent yet Harmonious Flavor Bomb





The saltiness of a Chinese meal goes well with caviar, and these two elements working together creating a magnificent yet harmonious flavor. The first course consisted of the base of aged crimson seabream, with cherry radish, and especially the Sabayon sauce made by mango and passion fruit. The Sabayon (Zabaglione) dipping sauce made of egg yolk, sugar and liqueur is usually used in desserts, however it works amazing brilliant in this dish! Mixing with the sweet and sour flavor of mango and passion fruit, and the salty taste from crimson seabream and Mirood Sterlet caviar, turns out a refreshing yet smooth mouthfeel with perfect balance.





The second dish made by the base of bamboo partridge (bamboo chicken) from Hsinchu with a brand new elastic texture by low temperature aging, black sesame oil and Taiwanese basil. This recipe splits and twists the famous Taiwanese cuisine “three-cup chicken” into three new layers of strong flavor with Mirood Sterlet caviar. Not only you can taste the subtle yet strong taste that is both familiar and unfamiliar, but also the freshness of Chinese cuisine mixed with caviar.





The third course is a unique bowl of soup. The main body is tortellini with cheese, accompanied by the raw materials from the special dessert by Da'an No. 9" - fish maw and peach gum, as known as "golden dual colloid", with few aromatic green pepper and pelleted also fishy Mirood Baerii caviar, opens many sensory layers in one bite. These three dishes are pairing with a unique sparkling white wine “Chardonnay Vino Spumante Extra Dry”, there are more sparks stirred up!


魚子醬融合甜點的不可能任務! 令人驚豔的撞擊圓滿療癒身心

Caviar x Dessert Blowing Your Mind With Creative Twists!





In the second half, there goes three creative desserts. The first dish was conceived from the historical and cultural context. The Russian Empire once used an exotic ingredient such as bananas with caviar. Chef who likes to explore the nature and tribes in Taiwan, uses local ingredients in his creations. When the roasted Taiwanese plantain meets the white chocolate foam mousse, with the oily Sterlet caviar, it went like a creamy flavor bomb blowing then melting in the mouth! Pairing with the pure rice sake Hatsukame sake from Japan, the sweet and warm taste of the land is quite delicious.





As to the second course, Chef Florian researched and designed according to his brilliant ideas that how does Mirood Sterlet caviar pair with desserts. He chose the May peach from Taiwanese indigenous tribe Atayal, and the oolong tea from Lugu, Nantou, to make a jam, with the milky taste of cream cheese mousse carrying out the variety of layer, ended up with whole wheat shortbread to enrich much more texture and taste. This dish tasted great with all elements no matter separately or together.




最後是一個意外的驚喜,也是一道令人大呼過癮的不尋常甜品。 Baerii魚子醬在傳統上多以伏特加烈酒搭配食用,然而Chef令人意外地特別挑選一款帶有綠茶風味的冰凍琴酒,先輕啜一口,不但有清口作用,還能中和Baerii魚子醬的魚鮮味;而他手工精製的「森林香料薄脆餅乾」帶有肉桂、薑等辛香料,風味突出而明亮,與濃郁抹茶泡沫中苦甜鮮明的海藻味,一同烘托出Baerii魚子醬的迷人風味,讓饕客們在直衝腦門的爽快中獲得煥然一新的驚豔感受。

In the end it came up with a surprising dessert. Mirood Baerii caviar usually used to pair with vodka spirits in the past, but Chef chose a green tea-flavored frozen gin and made all guests to take a sip first, which not only cleared the mouth, but also neutralized the fishy umami of Baerii caviar. The speculoos crisp (thin crackers with forest spices such as cinnamon and ginger, hand-made by Chef Florian) , combined with the seaweed flavor of matcha foam, well-complemented the flavor of Baerii caviar and perfectly complete the feast with a marvel. 



Today these two chefs composed a beautiful crossover song together, and every guest has had a delighted and wonderful time during this afternoon tea.
